Perception is the the way people see and interprate everything. Everybody has a different perception. Internal perception is everything that comes from within and changes how humans view the world, and every existing thing. External perception is everything that comes to contact whith us and influences our way of looking our surroundings. Internal factors include our emotions, meaning how we feel. It can also include our knowledge, the intelectual capacity we obtain. Our personality is one important factor of our perception. For example a person with introvert pesonality has better studing skills by his own then with other people, a person with extrovert personality can study in groups and use their skills with other people. External factors are our suroundings, what comes to contact with our body and mind. This may incluede our friends and how they interact with us. A fracture or a deep wound may deepliy influence our external perception. For example, if you are playing a contact sport like american football and you fracture your arm, which scars you for life, this will change your perception of this sport.
5 positive:
1)Watching movies, it relaxes me.
2) Sleeping, to feel happy and active the next morning.

3) Exercising, to feel healthy
4) Saterdays, I know I have no responsabilities.
5) 2:30 pm, I feel there is no school.
5 negative:
1) Mondays, I persive school starts
2) Spanish class, I percive stress

3) to much rain, I know disaster will come.
4) Sundays in the night, I percive my weekend has ended
5) The sound of my alarm, I know I have to wake up