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sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010

Are all memories alike?

The article about sex differences in memory talks about how women have better verbal episodic memory such as remembering words, pictures, objects or every day events. Men are better in remembering visuospatial memory, which is remembering symbols or non-linguistic information. This means the men can remember their way out of a place more easily. However women are better remembering faces specially of those as female.

At Remembering Everyday Events." ScienceDaily, 21 February 2008. Web. 6 November 2010. /releases/2008/02/080220104244.htm>.
The cultural difference in memory article talks about how depending of the culture, your first memory would be earlier on then others. In some cultures memory is easily remembered do to the fact that the parents stimulate the memory of their child by telling their kids stories of their childhood. This makes them remember better than others.

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer is a Brain disease that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior and gradually increases while you are diagnosed with it. The symptoms usually develop slowly and gets worse to the point that you can’t take care of yourself or perform logical acts. Alzimers is the worst form of dementia, it accounts for 50%-70% of dementia cases. This terrifying disease is irreversible, although it can be prolonged by drinking pills that help to slow the disease from progressing. Alzheimer makes life much harder and much frightening, knowing that in the future your memory and skills will fade and you would not be able to take care of yourself, henceforth depending on others. It only occurs from the age of 40 until death. Studies have also shown that damage to the brain can occur 10-20 years before any problem manifests. Alzheimer is most present on people 65 years or older; however the disease does not occur from old age. Some of the most common symptoms are placing items in odd places, forgetting name of family and common objects, can’t follow directions, forgetting conversations and get lost in familiar places. It was very hard to watch the HBO documentary of people suffering from Alzheimer. It is stressful to even watch it; I imagine it is more nerve-racking to have to deal with Alzheimer patients. This type of dementia not only affects the people who posses it, but the family of the carrier of this cruel disease. It must be hard to watch how your relative gradually forgets or confuses you for another person.

"Alzheimer’s Disease: Signs, Symptoms, and Stages of Alzheimer’s." Understand, Prevent and Resolve Life's Challenges. Web. 04 Nov. 2010. .