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martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010


1. Multi tasking is considered to be a myth since it can’t be done. It is proven that people can’t do two things at the same time. What really happens is that after performing one act people move on to the other act, then move back to the first act, or could jump to another act. This is really not multi-tasking.
2. The term response selection bottleneck refers to the brain being for to respond to several stimuli at once. By performing this, people loose time since the brain determines which task to perform.
3. The release of stress hormones and adrenaline may damage your health. It is also extremely uncomfortable. The stress hormone can also cause loss of short term memory. Now that we have knowledge of the disadvantage of multi-tasking, we can start lowering our use of it.
4. Russell Podrack found that multi-tasking affect the way you learn. When you multitask you do not receive the information efficiently. While multi-tasking you do not learn well, but if not you use a part of the brain called hippocampus, a region of the brain used to store and recall information.
5. The author concludes that if we continue multi-tasking frequently, we may never gain wisdom in the subject and perhaps we may lower are IQ.

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